
A Line of Tshirts for Humans

by | Feb 3, 2020 | Uncategorized

“I feel like we should stop calling feminists ‘feminists‘ and just start calling people who aren’t feminist ‘sexist’ – and then everyone else is just human.” – Maisie Williams (aka Arya Stark from Game of Thrones)

This line of shirts has been a dream for me.  I always wanted to have my own clothing line and now I can officially say that I do!

Most of these shirts are based on tattoo’s on my body, a way to create a brand that was me without having people walking around with my name stamped all over them.  A few months ago I posted looking for a line artist to help me create the graphics.  I worked with several talented individuals, the main being an incredible NY artist named Mary who was patient, kind, and totally understood my vision of taking tattoos and making them into graphic art.

I want to share some words below from some of the beautiful models who helped me to showcase this line of shirts!

Ps: The entire shoot, aside from our shirts of course, was styled using Zara at Crossgates Mall and the pink suit is from Eloquii!

PSS:  I made a decision to leave these images retouching free, they have been toned and stylized but no skin or body work has been done. Makeup was incredibly done by our in house artist Natalie! IRL for real!


“Empowered Women Empower Women. It’s taken me a while to find my power. I’m sure it was always there- but I never recognized it for what it was. Stepping in front of Lindsay’s camera changed that completely. There’s nothing quite like the energy of empowered women, both behind the lens and in front of the camera. It lifts you up from the inside. It makes you feel like superwoman. There’s power behind a Self Love Experience and there’s no secret as to where it comes from…. Plain and simple- Empowered Women Empower Women. Now that I’ve claimed my power, I don’t plan to ever let it go.” –  Mrs. Z

“I am 50. 50!
At 49, I decided that I would do something for myself. Something big.. I decided to put my complete trust in Lindsay to guide and support me to show me my best. At that time in my life, I felt the strongest that I have ever felt, and after months of stalking her Facebook page and seeing the magic that she produced, I went for it. The experience was amazing from start to finish. The styling session, the makeup, the shoot and the reveal all made it a completely positive and empowering experience. Whenever I feel insecure and unsure about myself, I look at my art and remind myself that I am 50 and I am rocking it! When Lindsay asked me to “do her a huge favor,” I was immediately in! I couldn’t believe that she wanted me to help represent her brand, and that she saw me as an example of her message of the power and beauty of women! I had moments of doubt, but I would do it all over again in a minute! The day was full of energy, beauty and strength and I was blessed to have been able to spend it with these amazing ladies.
Thank you Lindsay!” – Mrs. A

“My self love experience meant to embrace my authentic self and be that role model for women who may be struggling to do so. Being apart of this shoot working with phenomenal women of different shades, backgrounds, and sizes working with one another spreading the same message meant so much and made the shoot that more empowering. The shirts identified to each one of us and can easily relate to anyone else. I was not meant to be subtle, I am not meant to conform, I am not meant to fit into your beauty or social standards. I AM ME!” – Ms. H

“My self love experience was an opportunity to focus on me and to uncover/reveal for MYSELF, just how powerful, sexy and beautiful I am. While I admit to being a little nervous as a first-timer to boudoir photography, I could not have been more ready to connect with and explore a side of me I at times forget is there. At that time in my life, most days I focused on so many obligations external to myself, leaving little time to really “be” with me. Although I’ve grown tremendously in that area over the last 4-5 years (thank God!), I can honestly say that my Self Love Experience and LRP experience was a catalyst and truly allowed me the time and space to “pour into” ME. There is literally not one other thing or person you can focus on in your session other than you- and we’re not often afforded that as women. After my session (whew, was I tired on levels I would not have imagined!), and after my reveal, I immediately felt lifted to another dimension, which I now know was unadulterated SELF LOVE. When you have the opportunity to get to know yourself in a deeper, closer way, it changes you. Forever. Yes, my photos were/are still so stunning and yes, the experience was divine, relaxing and indulgent, but more than any of that… it was meeting a part of myself that has since opened me to so much more. For this, I have Lindsay and her team to thank and I’m especially grateful that she’s asked me to be in additional shoots to support her brand and business. So I’m not only fulfilled within myself, but I’m able to give back and support the art and talent of another woman entrepreneur. Coming back most recently to shoot her new line of t-shirts with a diverse group of beautiful women was powerful. And Lindsay could not have chosen a more fitting look for me! What I took away from this most recent experience and Lindsay’s new line of signature shirts is that the beauty and depth of each of our stories as women is unique, beautiful and transformative… and we are always, ALWAYS stronger together. ?” – Ms. P


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