
Curated Print Products

by | Sep 8, 2015 | Uncategorized

 “You never know the value of a picture until it is all you have left.”

I’m sure you’ve heard that statement before. I know I have, but had never given it much thought until photos were all I had left. Before going into photography, I always used to take pictures with my phone and post them on Facebook. It wasn’t until October 16, 2013, when I lost one of my dearest and oldest friends in a tragic accident, that I really learned the value of self-preservation through pictures. When photos are all you have left to remember someone by, their value increases astronomically! I think back and remember when my grandmother passed away, going through her old pictures and stumbling upon a box of old prints from when she was younger. It was incredible to see time preserved in these photos, holding them in my hands transported me to a time before I even existed. That is the power of pictures, to transport us, to freeze time. All that is left behind when we are gone are our pictures and memories. Seeing her so young, with her hair perfectly coiffed and posed, I am reminded of old black and white modeling photos of Judy Garland. Luckily, I have an old vintage nighty of hers that my mother kept for me. I shot my dear friend Kristen in it. (Check it out in a previous blog post!)

I love social media and the age of the internet, but with technology ever evolving I sometimes fear for the future of our digital memories. We went from huge disks, to floppy disks, to cd’s to usbs…as each of these mediums become outdated, we loose more and more of our pictures and memories. Thankfully, the one thing that can’t be outdated or replaced by the newest technology is prints.

After months and months of sourcing every professional print lab in the United States, England, Australia, etc. I finally ended up with a Canadian, professionals only, print lab. The albums are handcrafted in the finest Italian tradition. These prints are heirloom quality, and truly designed to last forever. My new website, with a brand new products page is launching later this year. In the meantime, here is a sneak peak of our newest collections:









Just a few of the many swatches from our options for your album cover!


And of course our boutique packaging <3


Are you ready to preserve your legacy and take part in an empowering long term investment to capitalize on your individual beauty?

Lets chat!

Email me at Lindsay@photographybylindsayrae.com