
Edgy Boudoir

by | Feb 24, 2016 | Uncategorized

Things have been so crazy over here since before the holiday rush that I am just now getting around to blogging some of my favorite sessions from the end of 2015.  Samantha and I had connected through her friend Nora, who happened to connect with me through her sister who is a past client of mine.  Samantha had come along with Nora for her session, and although a slight skeptic at first, I think watching the process with Nora helped to convince her that she wanted a session of her own…and boy am I glad it did!

By talking the styling through with Sam, we knew we wanted to go for a slightly edgier look for her session, one that would really fit the vibe of the location we were shooting (Thank you again Peck’s Arcade, my fabulous neighbors!) and she nailed it with her wardrobe choices. Can we all just obsess over how amazing this bodysuit looks on her curves for a second? Like hooootttt damnnnnn lady!

One of the things I remember most about her session, the thing that has sort of stuck around with me, was her comfort with herself…immediately…she had no qualms running around with huge public windows in her underwear and bra and really embraced not only the process, but herself within the process. If you look at her fb, you will easily know this is far from the norm for this girl, who is rocking out the business professional look in so many of her pictures. Yet here she entered the moment fully committed and that inspired me.

How often do we let our insecurities stop us from embracing and living fully and honestly within the moment? I know there have been numerous times in my life, before I started my boudoir journey, where I would make one excuse or another not to show up to my friends pool parties because I didn’t want to have to wear a bathingsuit…in a pool…where bathingsuits are meant to be worn….because people would see me.  I can’t even count the nights I cancelled plans because I felt nothing looked good on me and I wasn’t good enough to go out with all of my super cute fashionista girlfriends.

How often do we let our insecurities stop us from embracing and living fully and honestly within the moment?

When I really sit to think about it, how many moments of joy, opportunities for fun, chances for honest human connection did I miss out because I was so worried about what other people would think of my body?  The reality is that I am not alone in this.

Today I vow just to be a little bit more like Samantha and say “fuck it” just a little bit more often… because truth be told what I lose by allowing my insecurities to guide my life is quite simply not worth it.

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Hair and Makeup by Cassandra McKenna