
Ethereal New York Boudoir

by | Nov 28, 2016 | Uncategorized

I mean it when I say that boudoir is for every woman! I always have people come to me and say
“I would do it if I looked like her”  Well guess what, that “her” is saying the exact same thing about you.  We all wish that we could be something different than what we are…that is until we realize that who we are is exactly who we are meant to be, and that it is an exceptionally beautiful thing.

I could not love this Ethereal New York Boudoir session any more than I already do, her bravery, her vulnerability, her strength – she brought it all and left it all on the table during this shoot.

Let’s toss it over to this babe so she can share a little bit about her own journey of acceptance and her boudoir experience…


“The most important thing you can do for yourself is give yourself some love. Love the skin you’re in, love the body you were given, love every flaw and every inch of yourself to the fullest. Doing this shoot with Lindsay was the most exciting, invigorating, empowering thing I have ever done for myself. I am a 23 year old, dark toned young lady, size 3 standing at 5’7 with crazy curly hair. Now being who I am living in the place where I grew up has been easy on the outside but not so much on the inside. My hometown is a population of a couple hundred people who are kind and accepting but also a little narrow minded. When I was younger going through grade school and middle school and high school I was accepted for who I am but at the same time I would hide and be ashamed of my ethnic background. Having crazy curly hair was seen as unattractive.

Having my skin tone was seen as different as well, although I was never told that to my face (minus the time when I was 5 years old and was picked on for looking completely different than everybody else). As a child I would secretly wish to myself to have the same skin tone as the rest of my family and friends. I wanted to change myself so badly at such a young age that i even asked my mom at the age of 7 to take me to get my hair permanently straightened, my skin tone there was obviously no changing that so i dealt with what i was given. I dealt with my skin tone. I dealt with my body shape and eventually when my hair inevitably changed back to curly I dealt with that as well. You should never have to deal with who you are and what you look like at any age.You should love yourself right from the start. I would say when I got out of high school and away from my hometown for awhile was when I truly accepted myself for what I looked like. I started seeing that people are actually paying to get crazy curly hair, and paying to have their skin tones darkened and paying to get big booties! And all this time I had been trying to change these things that so many women wanted. Silly me.

I can proudly say that I absolutely love my appearance, I love my hair, I love my body and I love my skin tone. I wouldn’t change anything about myself for a trillion dollars. I encourage all women of all ages, of all backgrounds, of all body types to do a boudoir or implied nude photoshoot, it will change the perspective you have given yourself.

After seeing the photos Lindsay had taken of me I was completely blown away and amazed. I am so unbelievably proud of myself for doing the shoot with her and taking a chance and letting a person who I wouldn’t even know on the sidewalk to see me in my most vulnerable state. Women are an amazing species for so many reasons. Our bodies are probably the most amazing aspects that we have and that we own. We need to embrace ourselves and show some self love in a world that has little appreciation for the beautiful body.”


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