
Euphoria Inspired Fantasy Session – Saratoga Springs | Troy | Albany | New York – Boudoir

by | Dec 16, 2019 | Uncategorized

Has everyone seen the new HBO Show “Euphoria”?  If not it is a must for our generation.  The show covers topics of love, sexuality and addiction in our youth but it is done in such a magnetic and inspiring way that a creatives eye is inspired by the light in almost every scene.

I really cannot think of a work of cinematic art aside from perhaps Moulin Rouge that has inspired my eye as much as Euphoria has!  Marvelous Maisel on Amazon is a close tie with Euphoria  for 2nd with its amazing retro costuming and beautiful art deco inspired lighting! (becasue let us be honest, I don’t know if anything will ever top the timeless beauty captures by the cinematographers when they created Moulin Rouge!

I had been begging a colleague of mine for years to let me photograph her, there was something about this woman and her devil may care attitude that had me at hello.  She didn’t care what other people thought about her and did her thing regardless of everyone around her telling her (and definitely around me) probably that she could not.  But boy oh boy did she!  Not only did she create 1 venue in Troy that is booking out far in advance for hosting weddings and events, but then created a 2nd bar with lighting that just spoke to my creative eye.

Troy is just filled with Girl Power!  I think it is why I love it here so much.  I would say that more than 60% of the businesses in this small town are female owned.  I think I connect to this #LRPBoudieBeauty so much becasue, I was also a woman who other’s didn’t believe in when she had a grandiose idea for a business.  I was told it would be a good hobby…but here I am 6 years later with a store, a glam area and an exquisite studio booked out an entire year in advance with an associate who is now booking up as well.

Troy is a city for women dreamers.  We even had the Deputy Mayor come and speak at our opening about what we are doing here for women.  If that doesn’t tell you this is a town that is in support of the female dream than I don’t know what is.

This is what made this shoot extra special for me, not only a chance to channel my creative eye by pulling inspiration from a new favorite show, but a chance to spotlight a fellow local female business owner and the amazingly fun bar she created right in our town – Franklin Alley!

Read below to hear about Heidi’s Self Love Experience in her own words:


“I met Lindsay in September 2014. I know this because I just looked up the first time she emailed me! Haha. I can’t remember where we met but I do know that we have both been photographing people for much longer than we’ve known each other. Which most certainly brought us together in this magical creative universe which is our friendship today.

In my photography career I will admit that for a while I thought I wanted to offer boudoir in my portfolio. It seemed like a thing that people wanted and I was naive to think that it would be an easy feat. I booked three clients to take said boudoir photos of. Each time I would rent a hotel room because I think that is what you did back in 2013? I went into each shoot feeling very confident. Once they arrived I realized that I had no business hanging out in a hotel room with a future bride of mine attempting to take flattering not awkward photos of them. I did okay but okay is not good enough. Especially when a brave female is trusting you to document their beauty in a way I could see but certainly not instruct. I removed that offering from my packages pretty soon after.

I have been approached by a few people to book boudoir shoots with them. I would ponder and look through their portfolios but never truly felt like I connected with their work. I myself do not feel as though sexy is a word I would ever use to describe my vibe, personality, wardrobe… well anything really. I don’t even think the word sexy is in my vocabulary. Prior to this shoot with Lindsay I have only done one other session before and I went with a cute vintage lingerie kind of look. Which I was overall very happy with but I always kind of go with the girl next door look to hide behind.

Fast forward to last week where Lindsay finally broke me down. We run into each other quite frequently living in the same very small city. Each time I see Lindsay she asks when we are going to do a shoot. Which I, up until last week, just laughed off. Like I mentioned before, I just didn’t feel like I matched up with the way these women saw themselves. I can’t be like that. They look amazing. I would just look like a dingus.

That was until Lindsay posted a single photo of a dress/body suit covered in glitter on her facebook group. My mind raced with really fun creative ways to play with the style of the dress. I have always had dreams of doing a disco queen like photoshoot. Where I am in all sequin and looking like I had a crazy night of dancing with my makeup a mess. Lindsay and I both leaned in HARD to this vision. Using the show Euphoria for a ton of inspiration. The newish show on HBO that feels like a fever dream surrounded by fun neon lighting, brilliant makeup, wardrobe and cinematography. She had me at “Euphoria”.

I ordered the dress. I thought okay. Here we go! I purchased the dress on a site called “Booty Must”. Which is just hilarious in itself. It finally came after two weeks of waiting and it fit! Perfect!

We made some quick arrangements and we had a date booked! I walked into Lindsay’s studio with an open mind and feeling really excited! The space is beautiful and everyone on her team is so comforting and amazing at what they do! I was so impressed with my stunning makeup that Natalie pulled together from a single photo on her phone!

It was time to head over to the shoot location! Once we started shooting I quickly realized how exhausting it was to model on even this sad little me level. I give those ladies credit! Pointing your toes while bending your arms a certain way and pushing out your neck and crap I forgot to point my toes! Lindsay really knows what she is doing! I can’t believe my body looks like that! I mean, I see it in the mirror everyday but dang! I need to point my toes more! Hahaha.

I was already very aware but during our session Lindsay made it even more evident that she is a true boss. She has mastered this skill and has been put on this earth to make women feel empowered and beautiful. I never had to think or was worried about how I looked. I was in it! It was so fun to play pretend for a few hours with a group of ladies who embrace that world with open arms!

Once the session was over I very VERY quickly had to get back to work. After a few hours of being back in my real world where too many people email me I got a message from Lindsay. It was a quick back of camera photo from our session. OHHHH MYYYY GODDDDDD IIIII LOOOOOOK BEAUTIFUL AMAZING SEXYYYYYY. How in the woooorrrllld??!!! How did she do that?! Of course with a really good makeup artist, stylist and lighting but also so much more than that!

My session with Lindsay documented who I really am. Yes I am a boss, yes I am a keeper of the peace, I manage a staff, I clean my toilets, I hide under mom jeans and tucked in t-shirts and sarcasm but this is who I am with my guard down. Lindsay was able to capture that version of me and freeze it in time. That is NOT something that just happens and for that I am forever grateful.

– Heidi


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Hair and Makeup by the talented Natalie Dekkermenjian

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