
Welcome to the World, Baby EJ!

by | Jun 27, 2014 | Uncategorized

This new born baby boy stole my heart the second I met him – he is just so sweet and soooo handsome! Gemma is a past maternity client of mine, so it was such an amazing experience to be able to capture her newest blessing at only 6 days old… Just look at how his parents look at him! The look on dad’s face when he looks at his new son is seriously heart melting!

Of course the morning wouldn’t be complete without some updated sibling pictures of his big sister and big brother!

I just love this family and cannot wait to see this little guy and his brother and sister grow up!

We started out the session with some portraits of EJ’s older siblings

We had a bit of time to kill while we waited for mom to get EJ up and ready, so I was able to capture some beautiful moments between the kids and their dad.


It was such a beautiful moment when Gemma brought EJ out for the first time.  She was just glowing and you could see how much his siblings were already in love with him.


Boy oh Boy is being new exhausting!  Time for a break to eat!


I just love the way his big sister looks at him


Also, the way that this dad looks at all of his children is beyond beautiful – pure love!


Welcome to the world EJ!