
I Belong to Myself – Saratoga Springs | Troy | Albany | New York – Boudoir

by | Apr 4, 2018 | Uncategorized

I have entered inthe the phase of my life where I am taking my self care alot more seriously.  I used to be the girl that only washed her face when she showered, and never really used moisturizers or anything that really adds up to a good self care routine.  At the ripe age of 31 I have finally decided that along with my massive workload and the mental growth it has brought me, that it is time to start paying a bit more attention to my vessel as well.  The past month has been dedicated to creating routines that make me feel good about me.  I never thought I would be the woman to have time for an 8 step skin routine, but here I am finding the 15 minutes every morning and night to do it…and it makes me feel powerful in a sense.  Not just becasue all the puffy bags under my eyes are starting to go away, but because I have made the decision to care about myself.

It really is the little things that add up over time.  The decision to wake up 25 minutes earlier every day so I can put myself together makes me feel more powerful and that feeling is carried with me through the rest of my day, and I hope is then transfered to the women I am photographing.

It really starts that simply.  Find the one thing you can do for yourself every day that is just for you.  For some it is the gym.  For some it is a full face of makeup.  For some it is meditation.  For some it is finding 10 minutes to take a hot bath. For some it is a weekly therapy appointment where they can talk and work on their mental health.

Whatever that small step that you can take is.  Start taking it now.  Leave the excuses behind and start to integrate yourself into your own routine and schedule.

Trust me when I tell you that Self Love starts as just a seedling of change.

2018 is my year of me.  Will you join me?

Read below to hear about how this #LRPBoudieBeauty took her own Self Love by the horns:


You have inspired me to look in to the poetry of Victoria Erickson. Her poetry speaks to me! Just a little background of my journey that also brought me to this photo shoot. I had a tough time with the gaining 60lbs after being so tiny my whole life. I realized I lost myself and had no self love. Insecure, which took away from my happiness and relationship, I decided to have a year of self love and take care of ME.

With that I got the twinkle in my eye. I felt amazing which brought me in to body building competitions. This journey has shown me how important self love is BEFORE catering to your significant other and losing yourself!

These are the quotes that inspired me from Victoria Erickson:

“Today I’m going to fall in love with the way I belong to myself, regardless of any situation or circumstance or commitment or outside happening. I’m going to fall in love with the way I refuse to settle for less than vibrant aliveness, less than what feeds and fuels this energy wildly. Fully. Infinitely. Freely. Because I’ll allow nothing on the outside to detract from, limit lessen, or shrink this. Or me.”

“Change and growth are painful not because we’re losing. We lose old ideas. Old habits. Old stories. Old comfort. Old love. We shed all that’s become too heavy to carry onward, wrapped too tight around skin that needed to finally breathe. A body that had to break loose from the once present chapter. Blank pages had been begging. Ink aching to write a new road and world. A soul that could no longer deny the taste of something else. Something that felt true. Something not yet seen. We don’t have to see something in order to believe.”

~Ms. L


Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2211 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2210 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2212 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2204 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2205 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2215 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2216 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2214 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2222 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2206 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2213 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2223 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2221 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2219 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2224 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2198 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2227 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2226 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2218 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2225 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2207 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2220 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2199 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2200 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2201 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2202 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2208 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2209

Hair and Makeup by: Erin Marie Artistry

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