
This is Just Temporary

by | Feb 6, 2017 | Uncategorized

There are some days when my purpose in life is clearly revealed to me.  It is not just about showing women that they are beautiful, but reminding them to believe it.  

I won’t ever forget getting this babes email.  Sitting in the movie theatre with my husband and daughter 30 minutes early (obviously,) I decided to check my email.  Seeing her email was an automatic hit right to my heart.  Having had multiple family members go through and win their battles, this is something that has always touched the deepest part of my empath heart.  There was no questions in my mind that Erin and I would do whatever we needed to do to get this beauty in before she started her procedures.  We knew that we would move whatever mountains we needed to to accommodate…and we did.  We knew that even though she was stressed about wardrobe that she had nothing to worry about becasue we have a full rack of goodies here for her to choose from, and can always fall back on a white sheet.  Funny enough, she rolled in in her comfy clothes as we recommend and I just LOVED her T-shirt, and with a little convincing, was able to show her how badass it would photograph.  That is still one of my favorite looks of the session. 

We encounter so many incredible women in the line of work we do.  Every one of them leaves a fingerprint on our hearts and changes who we are just a little bit…but this babe left a real handprint on my heart.  Her spirt showed me that we, women, are invincible if we believe we are and that even when there may be nothing but dark clouds overhead that true strength comes from seeing the sunshine right on the other side. 


“Two days after finally signing up for my shoot I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Instead of spending the next few months shopping for lingerie, I was suddenly consumed with non-stop doctor appointments and tests. When I let Lindsay know about the change in my situation, she immediately rearranged her schedule so she and Erin could fit me in for my session before my treatment was supposed to start. I had a week to get ready, which made things that much more complicated, but Lindsay reassured me everything was going to work out just fine.
Instead of the shoot being about rediscovering myself after years of being a wife and mother, it became more about documenting myself and my body before the major changes that were about to take hold. Through the pictures I realized there was a beautiful and sexy woman in my body all along. Lindsay helped me see a side of myself that was pushed to the back for too many years. I received the pictures on a day when I was laid up in bed, my hair gone, feeling weak and generally having a pity party for myself. The pictures cheered me up like nothing else could have at that moment. It made me realize this is just temporary, and I already look forward to my next shoot, once I’ve made it through the other side.”


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