
This is What Happens When You Surrender – Albany | Saratoga Springs | Troy | New York – Boudoir

by | Aug 2, 2018 | Uncategorized

If you follow us on instagram (@lindsayraephotography) you have seen lots of this incredible woman this week. I am pretty sure her power is palpable….but isn’t it funny how silently women suffer?

We never know who is really struggling or why and that is why I find this weeks blog so important to read.

Don’t judge a book by it’s cover, even the most confident woman struggles on the inside and that is what we are here to help you with.

Take some time and read about her experience below.

“Life is hard.

In a world of well curated instagram feeds, and highlighted moments that only portray our lives as exciting, fun and full of joy, it’s easy to forget that our day to day isn’t always 75 degrees and sunny.

I’m a dreamer; I fantasize about pretty much everything. Whether it’s what my non-existent pool landscaping will look like in my non-existent home or what I’m going to order for an appetizer at girl’s night 3 days from now, my brain is always conjuring up grandiose images of how things should be. …And when things don’t go according to plan (which happens more often than not) I’m thrown into a tizzy of emotions that can turn a good day into a day full of self loathing and questioning my worth.

I turned 35 this weekend.

While many of my friends are well on their way to crossing off all the boxes on their proverbial life to-do list, I can’t help but feel like I’m the odd woman out. I’m not married. I don’t have any kids. I live in a one bedroom apartment that I have shared with my cat for the last 4 years. When I was a kid, was this what I pictured my life at 35 to look like? Hell no.

But while turning 35 can be slightly scary and overwhelming, there comes a sense of tranquility that can only be attained when you start accepting things, as they are. Accepting you, as you are.

When I signed up to do my Self Love Experience, there were many thoughts that were running through my head: I wasn’t at my thinnest weight. My body is changing as a I get older and isn’t as toned or ‘perky’ as it once was. My face is showing signs of aging. …I questioned if I should wait on booking my session until I looked “better” – but then I realized how ridiculous all of this was.

Life doesn’t magically get better when you obtain some arbitrary goal. If I waited until I “fixed” all of these imaginary flaws on my body, I’d only be buying time for my brain to find fault with something else.

I booked my session; as I was. And I couldn’t be happier that I did.

Lindsay and Erin embody what every woman should: Brains, confidence, determination and the ability to recognize their own power. The confidence they exude is contagious. Whatever doubts you had going into your session are quickly squashed as soon as you start working with these women. I have never felt more like a goddess than when I was holding those poses and working those angles.

The Self Love Experience just reaffirmed the fact that you need to accept yourself as you are. Because you’re beautiful!

Life is hard; but when you surrender to the fact that life doesn’t always follow that imaginary timeline you have in your head, and you start embracing your life, and you, – just as as you are right now – life becomes good. Really good.” ~ Mrs. S


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Check out this babes gorgeous art below!

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Hair and Makeup by: Erin Marie Artistry

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