
We Are Our Own Worst Enemy – Saratoga Springs | Troy | Albany | New York – Boudoir

by | Jul 2, 2018 | Uncategorized

This is one of those times where I feel like I don’t need to say much because our #LRPBoudieBeauty says it all.

PS:  The Independence Day Flash Sale ends at 11pm  7/2/18  (You must be a member of our VIP Group to take advantage of the sale!)

Read what this incredible woman has to say about her LRP Self Love Experience below:


“The Statement ‘We are our own worse enemy’, that is how I have lived most my entire life, and I’m not sure why. Whenever I would see a picture of myself or look in the mirror, the ONLY things that I noticed and would focus on are the things I hated about myself. ‘Oh my arm looks fat’, ‘Look at my roll’, ‘My skin is gross’, ‘I hate the way my legs look’, it goes on and on. I have always been extremely insecure, afraid to walk into rooms with large groups without thinking everyone is starring at me and thinking about how fat or ugly I look. Crazy to live this way, right. I’m not quit sure why I have always felt like this, I could guess a million reasons, but thats a whole other BLOG in itself. As the years passed, I became wiser (Older lol), and the more confident I became. Maybe its because the past few years I have taken more interest in loving myself, taking care of my health, and focusing on ME! It is my GOAL in life to show my daughter how important it is to LOVE yourself, stand with your head held high, and know your self worth! I teach her that every part of you is so BEAUTIFUL and perfect!

Since I was in my 20’s I have always wanted to do a boudoir shoot, but never really had the guts. (Hence above, how I ripped myself apart) I have been following Lindsay on Social Media for a few years, drooling at the insane pics, and how absolutely BEAUTIFUL all the women are, and their INSPIRING Blogs. A colleague of mine mentioned she did it, she showed me her BLOG, and I bit the bullet and BOOKED! I decided its now or never. I was going to surprise my husband for our Wedding Anniversary! OMG, I was sooo excited! I just booked a freakin BOUDOIR session! I booked with Linsday in January, and my session was set for April! I also booked the Styling session with Randi because honestly, I don’t wear Lingerie EVER ….I wouldn’t even know the first thing to pick out, or what would look best on me. NO CLUE! So, Randi and I talked, and I told her what I was looking for. I met with Randi a few weeks later at the Loft, she had a few pieces picked out, layed out on the bed. The pieces looked beautiful! She had some champagne ready, and I tired ON! The pieces didn’t fit, I was sad, nervous and worried, but I trusted Randi. She said, I PROMISE I will get you something you LOVE, and Lindsay and Erin will make you LOOK Stunning……I believed her.

Fast Forward to the morning of the shoot. I showed up to the Loft very anxious really not having a clue what I was going to wear. It was in Randi’s hands at this point! I walked in, met the amazing Lindsay and Erin. I went back upstairs to view the new pieces that Randi picked out. I tried them on and HOLY CRAP, everything was beyond perfect!!!!! Kinda like a fairytale ending there, Bottoms fit like a glove, and the body suit was AMAZE!!!! SCORE!

I needed champagne to get the jitters out, I mean I was going to be half/almost all naked for a couple hours having my picture taken, NO BIG DEAL! ERIN ERIN ERIN…she is who did my makeup…..now, this chick…..she is beautiful, sweet, and such an amazing Makeup Artist…she made me look and feel like a model, well to be honest, that was how I was treated! While I was getting my makeup done, Lindsay and I were just chatting away, talking about life, getting to know a little bit more about each other, which made me feel so much more comfortable. (Plus the champagne was kicking in)

This will sound funny, but throughout the shoot, we were upstairs, downstairs….then……drum roll please……my inner ‘Beyonce’ came out, I’m not even joking…..I seriously felt so confident. The way Lindsay was walking me through the poses, telling me how great the pics looked, how beautiful I looked! She showed me a few from her camera and WOW…I couldn’t even believe that was me…..ME, the girl who never really believed in herself, the girl who hated looking at herself, hated walking in a room….

Honestly this experience is a once in a lifetime self loving, emotional, down right one of the most EXCITING, FUN things I have done. It really changed the way I feel about myself. When I viewed the pictures 2 weeks later, I was like HELL YES that is ME! That is the girl who loves each part of herself, loves who I always was, and who she is becoming.

I truly want to thank Lindsay, Erin, and Randi for making this such an unforgettable experience.” ~ Mrs. N


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Check out some of this babes incredible final art products below:

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Hair and Makeup by Erin Marie Artistry

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