
Comfortable In Your Own Skin | Troy | Saratoga Springs | Albany | New York – Boudoir

by | Sep 9, 2021 | Uncategorized

I’ve had to learn to be okay with myself as I exist and that means being okay showing up exactly as I am. One of the biggest parts of what I stand for is to loudly proclaim for every person everywhere – you need to learn how to love yourself now. Not when you reach whatever goal you’ve set in your mind as your “ideal” – NOW. It’s ok for that love of self to fluctuate, but being able to exist without constantly criticizing yourself is a freedom I can’t even begin to explain. 

Here’s what Miss A has to say about her Self Love Experience:

“I’ve always been super self conscious being a plus size woman.  But having a day where  I get to dress up and have my hair and makeup done made me feel amazing. The constant compliments really made me feel wonderful! The atmosphere made me feel completely comfortable especially when 99.9% of the time I feel uncomfortable in my own skin. I look forward to having a return session one day!