
Discovering Me. A Boudoir Experience

by | Apr 19, 2016 | Uncategorized

Sometimes my clients become my friends…more often than not we keep in touch, but some people you just have that extra special bond with. Maisie was one of those people. We started as colleagues as we both shoot weddings for Clark + Walker Studio.  I remember before I met her, our friend told me not to corrupt her lol…what he didn’t realize is that this Maisie has been there all along, she just never had permission before to be herself free of judgement.  I could spend hours trying to explain how under that sweet facade is this incredibly strong and very intelligent woman who is sort of using that coy sweetness as a shield, a wall of sorts…I saw it in her from the day I met her at that Turning Stone wedding. Be it fate or just scheduling leaving us no other options, Maisie and I kept getting assigned on weddings together, especially weddings that require alot of travel.  Well when you are stuck in a car with someone for 8 hours in a day, you sort of start to find those commonalities, you talk about everything from the job, to life to sex…you just talk.  One of the things I obviously talked, and always do talk alot about, is what I believe that the boudoir experience can do for my clients…to no surprise of mine, Maisie listened to me…she took the leap and she booked me for a shoot of her own.  At this point, we were still more colleagues than friends…but it was during her shoot, as she not only unpeeled layers of clothing but layers of her walls that we really had the chance to bond.

I think I will let Maisie take it from here…after our 2nd shoot together, I asked her if she wanted to share what the boudoir experience did for her…

“I wasn’t an adventurous person. I wasn’t a confident person. I wasn’t my own person. I was exactly who everyone else wanted me to be for a majority of my life. I hit a few very low points before my first session- which, in hindsight, was probably the main reason for me to reach out to Lindsay; I needed that feeling of doing something out of my comfort zone to wake me up and peel away the layers that had built up to disguise myself. I almost backed out the night before the session and I am so glad I didn’t. Lindsay made the shoot so comfortable for me, it was such a fun experience. Seeing myself through Lindsay’s lens made me tear up and realize that I could be my own person, I could be confident, I could be sexy if I wanted or I could just be a homebody- other people’s opinion of me didn’t matter if I didn’t want them to. My second session with Lindsay was reinforcement. My “badass” look completely contrasted my typical “girl next door” appearance that my peers know me by. It showed the confidence I am learning to have and I am so thankful to be comfortable with who I am in this moment.”

Seeing myself through Lindsay’s lens made me tear up and realize that I could be my own person, I could be confident, I could be sexy if I wanted…

It has been a pretty introspective experience putting this blog together, seeing the friendship, the photography and the woman evolve right before my eyes…I started this entry with our first shoot together and ended it with our most recent shoot in NYC.

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….Shoot 2: Confidence in NYC…..

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Hair and Makeup for Shoot 1 by Cassandra McKenna
Hair and Makeup for shoot 2 by Erin Marie Artistry