
Erin Marie takes over the boudoir blog!

by | Sep 8, 2016 | Uncategorized

It’s that time again, Erin has totally taken over!

A special thank you to Peck’s Arcade and Little Peck’s for allowing this impromptu magic to happen!


“What happens when Lindsay and I get together to just take a few headshots? This full on impromptu boudoir session of course!  I suppose we should have known better. After almost 2 years of creating boudie magic together, we just can’t stop. This was by far was one of my favorite days in front of Lindsay’s camera. Our only intention was to get a few new head shots for my business cards and social media outlets and call it a day. I showed up with a few different wardrobe options, we picked something simple, and headed out to get some shots. First stop: Little Pecks coffee shop in Downtown Troy. As soon as we walked in Lindsay began to point out all of the different light and character of the space that she knew she wanted to capture. This is one of my FAVORITE things about Lindsay. She just simply sees things that others don’t. It only took about 15 minutes of shooting before our creative minds really began to go to work and we knew we had take advantage. We headed back to Lindsay’s, put together a few new looks, and headed back down the road to Peck’s arcade. Boom. We. Went. To. Work. Maybe it was all of the epic art hanging in the space for the upcoming Troy Night Out’s art show or maybe it was something in the amazing coffee we had gotten downstairs at Little Pecks but we shot like we never shot before. Everything just felt right. It’s like we have turned our art into science. We know how each other operates, we expect the most from each other, and we both are willing to push the limits. After we wrapped this shoot, our growth since the first time we shot together became extremely apparent to us, not only as professionals and creatives, but as friends.

Exactly one year ago today we created the private, women-only LRP VIP Boudoir Facebook Group (if you’re not in this group yet, you need to be!). In just that short amount of time we have discovered such a strong community of women that have entrusted us and joined us on the journey of self-love. If you have followed us from the beginning, I’m sure you have witnessed how much we have evolved as not only artists but as women. I feel pretty confident in saying we owe so much of our growth to the community of women we have backing us. Each one of the women that has gotten in front of Lindsay’s camera has told us a unique story, about where you’ve been and where your going and what you stand for and it has truly inspired us. We view each and everyone of you as a piece of art and vital a puzzle piece in our journey.  And it’s a journey that has only just begun. “
Xo. Erin “
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