
I am a Queen

by | Jul 11, 2017 | Uncategorized

I have been waiting and waiting and waiting to share this blog and now I finally get to!  As nervous as this #LRPBoudieBeauty was the day of her shoot, we were too!  She was the very first new client to be photographed in our new studio this March!  Her session was one that inspired both Erin and I, because she came in and shared her truth with us right away, and through that vulnerability we saw such a depth to her beauty that we were able to capture on camera. 

Read about this babes experience below!


“My whole life I was the too skinny girl, the girl who didn’t love her self. Therefore I didn’t care. I never once found myself sexy or even pretty. I struggled with anorexia for most of my teenage years. So my body has always been my biggest enemy.

Fast forward 11 years and I’m a mommy. To 3 beautiful kids. But now instead of being the skinny girl, I’m curvy. Again, not comfortable in my skin, I never have been. I fell back into my same routine I used to as a teen. My disease followed me like a bad habit. I didn’t get skinny or anything and didn’t want too. I just wanted to love myself. I needed to know I was beautiful. I went through some heart break which made me feel down right ugly and unloved.

I felt lost and so upset. I tried everything to make myself feel better. I knew I had to find myself, I had to love myself… So I decided to do a photo shoot. Thinking why the hell not? I’ve seen other girls do it and they seemed to be so empowered by it. But I wanted the perfect person to do these. I didn’t want to go to some half assed photographer who would make me uncomfortable.

So I made a Facebook post and a friend of mine private messaged me. She told me I had to look at Lindsay Rae Photography. The instant I saw the pictures I knew she had to be the one to do them!! So I scheduled a photo shoot. I was so nervous. I’ve never done anything like this. Like what was I gonna wear? How were Lindsay and Erin going to be? I was so scared of being judged…

The day of my shoot I felt like I was gonna be sick walking up the stairs to the Loft. The second Lindsay opened the door and I saw how amazing and down to earth she was (and Erin too) I knew I had picked the right girls for the job. Everything was so easy and smooth with them. My first picture seemed awkward to me cause well I was still a bit nervous. But within a few shots I was finally in my element. I have never in my life ( not even my wedding day ) felt as beautiful and sexy and even powerful as I did that day!! God I learned to love myself and my body.

I now take pride in who I am as a women and mother! Like fuck yeah I’m beautiful!! I couldn’t thank Erin and Lindsay more for helping me to love and accept my body. You ladies are amazing and by far the most kick ass women I know!! So now I say this with pride to myself every morning. ” I’m a queen and I know my worth! I am beautiful and fierce and fucking kick ass ” So here’s to the new and improved and self loved me!!”


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