
Jennifer and Abby in Troy

by | Jul 14, 2014 | Uncategorized

This session was really fun for me because Jennifer is also a new and dear friend of mine.  Knowing a little bit about her bohemian  and carefree style really allowed me the freedom to play, experiment with light and sun flares, and just have a super laid back session.2014-07-13_0007

Jennifer has such an exquisite smile.  It took Abernathy some time to warm up to me with the camera in hand, so we started the session with some mommy cuddles 2014-07-13_0008

A little bit of fun with sun flare2014-07-13_0009

such a sweet moment!2014-07-13_0010

We decided to take a walk to our next location and I just love the city streets of Troy, so we decided to snap a few shots before getting to the next spot on our list.2014-07-13_0011 2014-07-13_0012 2014-07-13_0013

There is that stunning smile again! 2014-07-13_0015 2014-07-13_0016 2014-07-13_0017

This girl is brave and a climber! 2014-07-13_0018

I just couldn’t get enough of the haze that was cast by the super bright setting sun.



checking out the view!2014-07-13_0021 2014-07-13_0022

This is my favorite shot of the session – even though it is of them from behind, it was such a serene and calm moment between mommy and daughter. 2014-07-13_0023

Which didn’t last long because then it was time for kisses!


2014-07-13_0025Another real mommy and daughter moment, playing on the stairs!


Boy did we wear this baby out! Jennifer told me she passed out in the car as soon as she hit the highway on the way home!2014-07-13_0027

Ok, I lied, this might be my actual favorite shot of the session – gorgeous light, sweet cuddles, and a super sleepy baby! What more could I ask for to end an awesome evening?


Can’t wait till next time when dad can join us!