
Let’s Not Forget About Us – Troy | Saratoga Springs | Albany | Boudoir – New York

by | Feb 22, 2018 | Uncategorized

I am gonna leave the talking to today’s #LRPBoudieBeauty.  Read what she has to say below <3


“Let me first say how absolutely thankful I am to Lindsay and Erin for helping me feel beautiful again. It’s been years since I’ve felt so good about myself. I think after awhile women lose how truly special, amazing, and beautiful they are. From how women are viewed in everyday life to media showing an unrealistic standard, friends, work or men (of course most of these examples are unintentional). We are constantly comparing ourselves to something or someone, we’re never quite good enough. I know for me it’s a everyday struggle with this. We get run down by life and it’s sometimes hard to get back up and say “fuck you I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks,” We don’t have enough confidence in ourselves to do what we want,  when we want, without excuses or justifications on why we want to dress , look , or do something for ourselves.

So when I was invited to join a women’s only group about boudoir I jumped at it. What beautiful women it showed! The community of acceptance and building each other up is amazing! Then seeing the photos the talented Lindsay does and the gorgeous make up Erin does, they’re bringing out the best version of you that’s hidden under the struggles and stress. I read blog’s and comments and viewed photos and decided I want that. I want to look that beautiful and be that comfortable in my own skin again, I need something for me.

So I e-mailed Lindsay for the details and I convinced myself what a great present for my husband on his birthday. I booked a shoot with her all the while secretly thinking I’m really doing this for me, my husband sees how beautiful I am everyday with or without makeup, sweatpants or dressed to the nines. I’m sure almost every women that books with Lindsay is doing this. Ladies don’t do this to yourselves, you deserve to do things for yourself and not feel bad or selfish. We take care of everyone else in our lives let’s not forget about us.

The day of my shoot came fast and I thought these two ladies are on a totally different level than me. Then I met Lindsay finally, I realized something , she’s like me she’s not in make-up and she’s looking comfortable and just the confidence and beauty that was shining from her was incredible. Then Erin walks in and she’s so sweet and down to earth. She’s an artist and your her canvas but she’s enhancing what’s already there. So when you look at yourself after she’s done it’s like holy shit look what was there the whole time. Lindsay coaches you like your a pro all the while giving you complements and confidence and within five minutes your feeling like the bomb. Then it’s almost over to soon, but your on a high all day.

Fast forward to your reveal, and hot damn look at that hot chick you’ve always been. Looking at those photos just revealed how beautiful I was when I was feeling low in my life.

The after effects are ever growing, even after all this time. I started losing weight like I’d been telling myself I needed to do, not because I actually needed to but because I wanted to get fit. I’ve been making changes in my life slowly just a little at a time. How comfortable I am in my own skin and beauty. I don’t make excuses for myself or feel selfish because I bought something or did what I wanted for once. It’s ok you can do things for you , you can take a break and focus on yourself. Don’t feel bad about it no one will take care of you better than you yourself.

So if you take anything away from this let it be that only you can hold yourself back and only your thoughts really matter when it comes to yourself. Don’t make up excuses or reasons for doing things for yourself. You’re worth it and you don’t owe anyone but yourself anything.” ~H.


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Hair and Makeup by Erin Marie Artistry!

ps: How stunning is this babe’s before and after look!?!

Naturally gorgeous to stunningly glam!  We love when our babes send us selfies they love of themselves to share alongside their glam photos! It isn’t about one being more beautiful than the other, it is about being a multi-faceted woman.  Being a woman who can stay home and clean and raise kids and work her ass off and live her life effortlessly, while simultaneously being the exact same woman who can be glamorous and fierce and powerful.

We are all both of these women. We choose when we want to let our inner vixens out.

Are you ready to remember yours?


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