
Maternity Boudoir

by | Jun 20, 2016 | Uncategorized

Heather is a three time return client of mine and I always love everything we shoot together.  This babe is the same #LRPBoudieBeauty on the cover of our client guide that you receive whenever you inquire about a shoot! This shoot was especially important for us because I knew, that even though this was her third pregnancy, that she never was able to have maternity photographs taken before, even though she always wanted to.  I asked Heather if she wanted to share a little bit about her shoot and she jumped at the chance to provide some insight, from her own perspective, on what this maternity boudoir experience meant to her…


“Being a mom of three is time consuming, difficult but unbelievably rewarding. I loved being pregnant. I love the power the miracle that happens within the womb. Pregnancy is beautiful and rewarding and a privilege, one that we sometimes forget. These photos may be of my third son but they are for all three of my boys. Iv never felt more beautiful and fulfilled. Lindsay captured every emotion that come to my mind during pregnancy. The warmth and glow. The passion and overall need to protect the one we haven’t even met yet. My children are my world and extension of me. I couldn’t now describe myself with out describing each one of them. Thank you Lindsay for making me feel empowered and beautiful and allowing me to have a stand still of all the wonderful aspects of pregnancy.”

I just loved what Heather shared with us but I felt I wanted to pry a little bit more and ask her a pretty important question that had been on my mind.  I have heard from women wanting to book, that they want to feel sexy, but in a way felt guilty about it because they felt they needed to drop that part of themselves to completely allow “being a mom” to consume them.

I know that being on her third pregnancy, this was something Heather has probably gone through before so I asked her “How did you feel about being sexy while pregnant?” I absolutely loved her answer and think it is one that is wicked important for all women to understand and embrace.

Our bodies have done the most magnificent thing.

“We can forget how beautiful and sexy we are. Pregnancy isn’t all perks. We can feel down about the overall body changes that we endure. It can be scary and frustrating. We might think our significant others won’t look at us the same way, (maybe its more from the emotions we go through) but we shouldn’t loose sight of our overall beauty. Our bodies have done the most magnificent thing. There is nothing more sexy then the glow of a women baring a child. I’ve never felt more sexy and I think my fiance felt the same way.”


5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-2969 (crop) 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-2984 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3035 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3048 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3068 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3095 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3101 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3116 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3155 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3177 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3182 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3191 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3202 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3210 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3277 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3289 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3341 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3380 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3385 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3411 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3424 5-16-16 Heather Herrington Maternity Boudoir-3440
A Special Thank you to our Glam Goddess Erin for pampering this gorgeous babe for her shoot!