
Mixed Feelings and Overcoming Self Doubt – Saratoga Springs | Albany | Troy | New York- Boudoir

by | Mar 20, 2018 | Uncategorized

If you are in our facebook group then you have very likely seen how often women doubt themselves and their ability to do a session.  I always try to remind them that this feeling is normal, and expected.

To be honest, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have some doubt in themselves.  I think part of growing up and evolving as a woman has alot to do with the slow progress in which we understand ourselves more and more and doubt less and less our capabilities.

There is not a day that goes by that I don’t have some doubts in myself.  This is normal!

I wish as women we could stop being so hard on ourselves.   We have this pressure to be perfect, but also this pressure to love ourselves as we are, and even those of us that are quite confident in ourselves still have to battle with if we are loving ourselves enough to please the new trend of body love activists, while we still battle the media that is being shoved down our throats and telling us that we have to be something else.


I am so tired of feeling like there is something wrong with me for doubting myself from time to time.  Doubting yourself is ok as long as you never let the doubt win.  Have your moments and then move past them and continue to do what you are doing and trying to be who you want to be.

It is ok to be real.  It is ok to love yourself a little less some days than others.

It is also ok to have days where you look in the mirror and see yourself as perfect.

Its time to stop trying to conform into something we are not.

Be yourself, be riddled with doubt and celebrate when you beat the doubt.  Be yourself, and love yourself above all else.

We are women, we may feel on top of the world on Monday but by Wednesday we are barely hanging on by a thread.

I am here to tell you this is normal.  This is life.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you need to do anything aside from be yourself.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you are less than perfect.  Only you can decide that.

Read below to see what this #LRPBoudieBeauty had to say about overcoming her doubts and trusting herself enough to explore her own beauty…and beautiful she is.


“I have always wanted to do a boudoir photo shoot but thought I would never have the courage to do it due to my body image and self esteem issues. Then I was invited to the LRP private group and the moment I saw the pictures of Lindsay’s work, I became instantly obsessed and had to book right away.

As the day came closer I had mixed feelings of excitement, nervousness and self doubt. I was never the skinniest or the prettiest of the group, so I knew these pictures could make or break me. I also wanted to show my husband how amazing I could look. But mostly, I needed this for myself.

The day of the shoot I was beyond excited because I’ve waited so long for this. Lindsay,Erin and Mikey were so welcoming and friendly, I immediately felt comfortable with them.

I’m not going to lie, after I got my hair and make up done and put my first outfit on, I felt a little awkward. But as soon as I was put in that first position and Lindsay started, I felt a rush come over me. Lindsay’s words throughout the entire shoot were very encouraging and positive. I have never felt so empowered. I couldn’t wait to keep going and during the shoot, I kept saying to myself how wonderful of an experience this is and it wasn’t even over with yet. This was one of the best things I could have done for myself and I cannot wait until my next session!!” ~  Mrs. S


Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2133Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2139Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2137 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2138 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2132 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2135 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2140 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2141 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2142 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2143 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2144 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2145 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2146 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2147 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2136 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2148 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2134 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2149 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2150 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2151 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2152 Boudoir New York - Self Love Experience - Albany - Saratoga Springs - Troy_2153

Hair and Makeup by Erin Marie Artistry

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