
Ms. Kate Outdoor Boudoir

by | Jul 21, 2015 | Uncategorized

I decided to do  a little something different and create a video of Kate’s images along with sharing them here.

[vimeo id=”134096427″ autoplay=”yes”]

Kate’s session was pretty special to me, because she came in open hearted and accepting of whatever crazy things I threw her way, like putting butterflies into her hair and playing with a large crystal. One of the things I think we learned from this session is that sexy is all a frame of mind. Your session can be anything that you want from flirty and whimsical to dark and demure.  We decided to take a little dive into the imagination with this one…there is an air of magic about the session.  We caught about 1 hour of clear skies between awful storms on the day of Kate’s session…the light left behind by the storm really gave a sort of eerie and gorgeous glow to the environment, add some fog off of the lake and you have a picture perfect setting for this mystical shoot.

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Hair and stunning makeup by Erin Marie Artistry