
No Hiding | Saratoga Springs | Albany | New York – Boudoir

by | Apr 8, 2022 | Uncategorized

It is a big thing that you are able to do. To take that step and believe in yourself enough, to know that you could start from nothing again and build it back up because when all else fails, you can land on your own. 

Take a look and read what Miss M has to say about her Self Love Experience:

“Growing up I was always a tomboy. Hanging out with the boys, getting dirty and not caring about how I looked. As I got older though I started to notice that my body was not what society would deem as “beautiful”. I started to hide it under big T-shirt and oversized sweatshirts. In my early 20’s I finally had a boy who paid me some attention but little did I know that he would be the biggest mistake of my life. My insecurities kept me in a relationship with an abusive narcissist for 5 years. When I finally had the courage to leave he had beaten my self esteem down so low with his words it was nonexistent. For years I believed I would never be worth love, I didn’t even love myself so why would someone else. I had been following Lindsay for about 2 years and had tossed around the idea of doing a shoot but would always talk myself out of it. I didn’t believe I would ever look good enough to do one. Finally with my 30th birthday looming this year I decided it was the perfect time to finally do a shoot. When I arrived at the studio my stomach was in knots and I was questioning myself. Am I doing the right thing? Is this going to turn out a disaster? But from the moment I walked through the front door of the studio Lindsay and Natalie were both so welcoming and did everything to let me know I was in a safe place. When we started to take the pictures Lindsay talked me through everything with such care and compassion that all I could think is that she must know how uncomfortable I feel. It was about halfway through my shoot that I realized it was like she could see a goddess in me that I had been unable to see for 30 years. Now thanks to her I finally see that goddess and there’s no way I’m ever going back to that insecure girl who hides under big T-shirts and oversized sweatshirts. 

Ready to book your own Self Love Experience? Head here:  https://calendly.com/selfloveexperience/self-love-experience-sara?month=2022-01