
On-Location Boudoir: Boulder City, Nevada

by | Mar 17, 2016 | Uncategorized

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love shooting in my home studio, in a controlled environment…but there is something so empowering for me about being outside with Mother Nature.  She is such a fickle beast and really keeps me on my toes, working with the constantly changing light and weather really allows my creative muscles to flex.

Shooting out at the Dry Lake bed in Boulder City, Nevada was no different. When we arrived it was sort of cloudy and slightly windy, and as we were there the weather changed so dramatically and so fast as the sun darted in and out of the clouds. It forced me to be on my toes and open to whatever nature wanted to throw my way.  I think that, right there, is a great analogy for what my trip to Las Vegas did for me.  It has been so long since I have existed in the moment. So long since I have allowed myself to exist in my own strength free of judgement from others.  Although the trip had up’s and downs, as all trips do, I would say that I truly existed in each and every moment that I was there.

…I think that, right there, is a great analogy for what my trip to Las Vegas did for me….

I believe that it is imperative for us to learn to live in the moment, to take what the universe throws our way and ride it and make it the best we can.  Be it gorgeous sun, or dark clouds, how we choose to view and react to these moments are what define us….not the moment itself.

There is this great quote by  Charles R. Swindoll that has been sort of my life’s slogan as of late:

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”

So what will you do when the clouds roll in?  Will you find the beauty in the darkness as they pass by to let in the light?  I know that is what I plan to do…

3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8423 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-84243-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8429 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8441 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8495 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8453 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8501 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8584 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8591 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8566 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8599 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8606 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8726 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8664 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8671 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8700 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8536 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8738 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8864 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8869 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8871 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8883 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8899 - cooled 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8964 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8911 - color 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8911 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8935 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8941 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-8982 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-9010 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-9022 3-5-16 Liz Loftus and Kaci - Vegas Boudoir-9060

Thank you Elizabeth and Kaci for riding the weather waves with me, enduring the crazy sandstorm, and for being fully present in the moment.

My life is forever changed by what I learned from this session and this experience.

In case you missed it, Here is our newest video for LRP Boudoir: On-Location:

[youtube id=”jMtDEILffU0″ mode=”normal” autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”2000″]

“Life is a preparation for the future; and the best preparation for the future is to live as if there were none.”

~ Albert Einstein