
The Decision to Skip Photoshop

by | Aug 1, 2017 | Uncategorized

Now we all know that I have no shame in my photoshop game. I know that the same pimple I have on my chin on Tuesday likely won’t be there on Saturday. I also know that certain times of the month I am FAR more bloated than the rest of the month…so I have absolutely 0 shame in choosing to use photoshop. With this being said, whenever we host our reveal and ordering sessions we always only show our reveal edits. This allows our #LRPBoudieBeauties to have control over how much photoshop they do or don’t want. To us, it is ever important to fall in love with your images before they ever step foot into PS.

I would say about 70% of our clients are like me, they opt for the retouching, for the “Editorial Album Retouch” as we call it…but then there are the 30% who say “you know what? I want to look back at these and say, yup all me, no retouching at all”

Let’s hear from the babe below on why she chose to skip the photoshop


“A friend of mine had done a few sessions with Lindsay over the years and her photos had taken my breath away. I was jealous at the fact that she had the guts to put herself out there and look absolutely stunning while doing so. I remember showing some of the photos from her first session to my husband and he made several comments about how he loved that she had the confidence to do a boudoir photo shoot and how great it must feel to have those pictures of yourself looking so fantastic. At that time, I made a silent vow to myself that I would be that confident woman in front of Lindsay’s camera one day. One day, far in the future, when my body was looking just the way I wanted it to look.

Fast forward a few years and with my 10th wedding anniversary quickly approaching, I was determined to find a truly special and meaningful gift for my husband. After all, we needed to properly commemorate all that we had accomplished in our 13 years together; 2 years of living apart on separate continents, 10 years of marriage, two beautiful daughters, countless travels around the world and two international moves! I thought, now is the time for the boudoir photo shoot. What better gift to give him, (and frankly, to give myself), than a series of gorgeous photographs of me looking my sexiest and most confident? I figured I’d have plenty of time to get myself into the shape of my life and be perfectly camera-ready by the time my shoot rolled around. I took the first step back in January and contacted Lindsay to tell her what I was after. With my anniversary being in July, I figured I would have a good 6 months to shrink, tone and tighten every little bulge, roll and dimple the camera could potentially pick up. Come to find out, a photo session in June would not leave enough time to get everything done by July and Lindsay suggested a date in March for my shoot. March! As in two months away! With a terrified gulp, I booked the session figuring two months was still time to make improvements to my body. I reminded myself that I am a personal trainer and that this is what I do- get people into shape so that they can look and feel their best for big events like this! Over the course of the next two months, I did lose a few pounds and did tone up a bit, but I was not feeling anywhere near ready to be posing in next to nothing. On at least three separate occasions, I sat down at my computer to type up an e-mail to Lindsay to cancel my session, but each time I talked myself out of it. I kept going back to the gallery of gorgeous photographs on Lindsay’s website to remind myself of how each and and every one of those women looked amazing and sexy regardless of their age, size or build. I told myself it was all in the re-touching. I figured that no matter what flaws came to light in my photographs, Lindsay could easily fix them with the magic of editing and re-touching. That boosted my confidence enough to get me to my photo shoot.

Once I was at the loft, make-up and hair done, lingerie on and fully stretched out, I knew there was no turning back. I trusted Lindsay completely and just submitted myself to the process. The experience was one of the most empowering, confidence-boosting and satisfying ones that I’ve ever had in my life. Lindsay kept telling me that I looked like a Swedish supermodel and after only a few clicks of her camera, I started to feel like one too. When I walked out of her loft that day, I felt like a goddess and I honestly have a completely new appreciation for how good my body can look and what it can do.

A few weeks later I found myself at Lindsay’s apartment for my reveal. I was a bundle of nerves and excitement all at the same time. As she played me the slideshow of my photos, I could not believe it was actually me in those photos. I saw that Swedish supermodel she was talking about! Most shockingly of all, I did not see one bulge or roll or dimple that I was so convinced would be prevalent in the pictures. While we were choosing the photos to put in my album, I turned to Lindsay with wide eyes and said, “You are amazing! You’re a magician! I can’t believe how good I look in these photos!”. I will never forget her reply. “This is YOU.”, she said. “I can only photograph what’s right there in front of me.”. Those words hit me hard. This is ME, I thought. A few minutes later, the photos for my album were chosen and laid out in a way we though looked best. Lindsay then asked me what my thoughts were on editing and re-touching. “Leave them just the way they are.”, I said. Somewhere along the line I had realized that I wanted the photos to show me just as I am and that I have been too hard on myself for the majority of my life. Am I perfect? No, but no one is and what is perfect anyway? It’s completely subjective and you know what? I think I look perfect in the photos and I know that my husband is going to think I look more than perfect. I cannot wait to see the look on his face when he opens the box to find my album inside and thumbs through the pages. Even more than that, I cannot wait to look back at these photos over the years to remind myself of how beautiful and “perfect” I look just the way I am.”


Hair and Makeup by Erin Marie Artistry