
When It Rains – Saratoga Springs | Albany | Troy | New York – Boudoir

by | Jul 16, 2018 | Uncategorized

As most of you know, this summer I was given the opportunity to travel to Canada and teach at a Camp of over 150 boudoir photographers from across the world.  It was definitely an honor to be asked to teach and an experience I will never forget!  I was asked to teach 3 classes, 2 along side my boo Teri, and the students we had the opportunity to teach left such an impact on me.  There are few things better for the soul then to be surrounded by peers who respect you and who’s passion for the art of boudoir photography runs as deeply as mine does.

While at camp we had a talent show…oh yeah…because photography wasn’t enough they wanted the teachers to have another talent too lol!  I got up and sang my usual jam  (Hand in My Pocket by Alanis), and one of the male campers decided to sing La Bamba and when he did, this beauty got up to support him and dance!  I just loved her spirit and the fire that just radiated from her from across a room of over 100 people… without knowing her I turned to my girlfriend Jen and told her that I MUST shoot her!  So Jen pulled her aside, introduced us and the next morning we set out to shoot!

The forecast never told us that it was going to rain…in fact I even left my umbrella in the car parked half a mile away from our cabins…so we decided to do what I normally do when life throws a curveball at me…and embrace the chaos.  Find the beauty is something I would on any other day sulk at.

We are proud to say that this set was published in the July issue of Ellements Magazine! Keep your eyes peeled for pictures of our copy on Instagram when it arrives in the mail!

Read below to hear from this gorgeous woman about her perspective on this experience!


As a fellow boudoir photographer in Dallas, Texas, I had been admiring Lindsay Rae’s work from a distance for many years. She is one of the few standout photographers that truly has an original, unique style and her work really seduces you and pulls you in. I’ve always admired that she uses curvy real women in her photo-shoots and is able to capture each woman’s unique beauty, essence and seduction. It was only a dream that I would even get to meet her one day and learn from her, much less get to do a photo-shoot with her. When I heard that Lindsay Rae would be teaching at Camp Do More in Canada, I knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime to learn from her, and so despite it being so far away, I knew I had to book my flight and sign up for her class.

So months later, we were all at Camp Do More in Canada, when a friend was struggling through singing a song in the talent show. Someone asked me to help him out and to twirl around in my long dress to help give his performance a little pizzazz. I was nervous but hopped up on stage to help him out, and just like destiny or fate, Lindsay Rae happened to notice me and asked a mutual friend if they would introduce us so we could do a photo-shoot together. Talk about dreams coming true, it was one of the biggest compliments I have ever received.

Before I met Lindsay, I mistakenly assumed that because she is such an amazing artist, with such unique cool style that surely she must be a diva or not a nice person. Well I was completely wrong, as she is one of the loveliest, engaging, kind and generous humans I have met in this industry.

We planned to shoot the next day, which was about 3 days into our summer camp and I was covered in bug bites, bruises, with chipped and broken nails and not in perfect shape at all.

So the next morning, there I stood in just a bodysuit, in front of one of my photography idols, Lindsay Rae, I am a mother, in my 40’s, not in perfect shape, who feels she only has one good side to be photographed on and who is covered in bug bites and bruises! But, I committed to myself that I wouldn’t let my own insecurities get in the way of doing this once in a lifetime photo-shoot. It was time for me to follow the advice I give my own clients and to stop being so critical of myself and to just go for it and trust in this amazing photographer and the process. Funny enough, because of the location of the light, we even had to shoot almost the entire photo-shoot on my “bad side” and I was so nervous that I would hate all of my images or that Lindsay would be disappointed in me as a model.

In a few days she started sharing a few images from the shoot with me and WOW, absolutely mind blowing!! When I saw the images, I couldn’t believe it was me and many that I loved were even of my “bad side”. She showed me what a strong and sexy woman I am. The pictures she created of me really did make me feel and look like a Queen and I really feel they captured my own unique essence and strength as a woman. Lindsay Rae believed in me, and saw my beauty, even when I perhaps didn’t see it in myself, and through her eyes and lens she has helped me see those same things in myself. For these images to be published in Ellements Magazine is honestly a lifelong dream come true as well as a true testament to her exemplary talents as a photography and artist! I’m forever grateful for the experience as well as the love and acceptance she has shown to me throughout the entire photo-shoot experience!

She is such a talented photographer that she has even made me fall in love and accept my “bad side”. It makes me feel a bit sad that I have spent a lifetime thinking I had a bad side, when Lindsay was able to help me see that BOTH sides of me are beautiful and that I AM a strong sexy woman! I didn’t realize what a strong sexy woman I was until I saw my pictures that Lindsay took of me! Through this incredible experience and stunning images, it has enabled me to see myself in a different light and has changed the way I look at myself and I am forever grateful to her for that! Thank you Lindsay Rae, you are truly an incredible human, artist and photographer!


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Makeup and Styling by me <3

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