
Fine Art Boudoir – The Queen

by | Aug 24, 2016 | Uncategorized

“For most of my life I have been adored by fools and hated by people of good sense, and they all make up stories about me in which I am either a saint or a whore.

But I am above these judgments, I am a Queen.” ~ Philippa Gregory, The Other Queen

But I am above these judgments, I am a Queen.


I absolutely love the above quote and love it even more for this session.  I am sure Katey of MayMac Lingerie is becoming a familiar face around here, she is one of my muses and an absolutely brilliant corsetter and designer…but aside from being absolutely stunning, there is a depth and story to this woman that goes so far beneath the surface. When I first shared the teasers with Katey she told me she had already planned exactly what she wanted to say about her session. Despite having been in front of the camera of (in my opinion) some of the worlds most talented photographers, this was her first time stripping completely down. To say I was honored that she was not just willing, but eager to take this giant leap with me, would be an understatement.  I felt a sense of responsibility to honor her and her story and I hope that we were able to do that.

I think that is enough speaking from me this time around.  I want you all to read what Katey has to say, and read it again. Because what we see on the outside is not always reflective of what is on the inside and this woman shows us the true depth to feminine strength and beauty.


“I got naked. I got naked because I wanted to, not because I wanted attention from a man, not because I want to be sexualized, not because I want to promote this body positive image the media is telling us is trendy, not because I want you all to think I love my body.
I got naked because I am an artist and I believe the human body is art, it is beautiful…an art that is lost because we are all too busy shaming the body and over sexualizing it.

I got naked because I am an artist and I believe the human body is art

I got naked because I was afraid to start modeling again after months of depression, self mutilation and a suicide attempt. I didn’t want to explain the scars…I was afraid of them….but I’m no longer embarassed or ashamed.
I love my body. Not because I love my curves and am caught up in this “curvy plus size body positive” movement, but because it survived when my mind didn’t want it to. We all have a battle, a journey, a path…we all have a body.”

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