
Fitness Boudoir

by | Aug 22, 2016 | Uncategorized

I hate calling this a trend, but I am loving the new “trend” in women owning not only their mental strength but their physical strength as well.  There has been such a surge of beauties requesting more fitness inspired boudoir sessions.

It is so true when they say that “Strong is beautiful.”

This Boss Babe in particular has us 50 shades of inspired.  She is the CEO (and still an artist) at one of the largest, most beautiful high-end salons in the Capital Region, she has overcome more than I can explain on my own (read below for her story) and she is the epitome of strength.  Before she was my client, we were facebook friends, which means I have had the opportunity to watch slowly her incredible and amazing fitness transformation.

If anyone ever tells you that girls can’t do what boys can do…just look at this hottie and tell them this:


Now to hear the journey right from the mouth of babes:


“I was a weight watchers kid….

Raised by a mom that was always into fitness an “aerobics” instructor. Through middle school always being asked if I wanted to go to weight watchers with her. Always weighing my food, counting out each pretzel, going to meetings etc. I was never heavy at all. Just a little plump. It led me to an eating disorder when I was in college. I was bulimic for a number of years. Went from a size 12 to a 6 in a short amount of time. I realized I had a problem when my mom and I were in a store and when I got into those size 6’s she burst into tears. I hid my problem for a while. Until one day, I, in the middle of an episode I felt like I was having a heart attack. My chest hurt so bad I couldn’t breath and it brought me to tears. I knew it was time to stop what I was doing or else I could die. So instead I resorted to eating only steamed vegetables and anything “fat free” I could get my hands on. I Knew that wasn’t a healthy choice either but it kept me thin. I knew it was time to get some help. I’ve always had some sort of body dismorphia. I was never happy with the way that I looked or felt. My breasts were always large. I had a breast reduction and a lift when I was about 25. And from there it led me toward a life of fitness. I could finally run!!!! And I didn’t have to wear 3 sports bras to exercise. I started training with a trainer and started getting into really good shape. Started to learn how to eat properly and taking care of my body. I fell off the wagon because I was “enjoying” my twenties a little too much as most twenty year olds do. I eventually got into yoga and from there trained for my yoga certification. I then started training at Metabolic Meltdown by the influence of a few friends and coworkers. I instantly became addicted. Went to my first fitness show and was instantly inspired to do a show myself! Currently, I am training for my first figure show on November 12 with the help of my trainer Alexa Elia and Metabolic Meltdown workouts. As far as the salon goes, I opened it in 2006, I was 28 years old and knew I wanted to have my own salon before I turned 30. It was rough. I spent many nights sleeping in my salon and built it from the ground up with no hand outs. So we are celebrating our 10th year this year! As a business owner, I have been learning lesson after learning lesson and it is not an easy ride at all… people come and go, think they can do it better than you or on their own. It’s not for everyone. But our program is a program designed to build future leaders of Stiletto Salon. I am so ready to “share the wealth” with my company to those that want it. It’s not a program for the faint of heart but one that is looking to grow through hard work and pressure and a proven success to those that follow our program. We have built a brand!! A name. A reputation. A thought. A profession. A go to place. An experience. I have reached a point in my career that my stylists, coworkers, employees are my heartbeat. They wake me up every day! I am their leader and I want them to rely on me to help build a future and quality of life for them. I found Lindsay’s work on Instagram and became instantly obsessed. I’ve seen other Boudoir photographers but they all just looked trashy and unprofessional. Being in a place where I love my body now…. I am so happy with how far I’ve come through all this hard work. It is amazing through each stage and transformation to see my body change. It’s really cool. My shoot has impacted me. It has inspired me to capture a very special part of my life and it has allowed me to to feel comfortable with myself and not be afraid to hide the work I’ve done to get here. I want everyone to know that as women we need to empower each other instead of hate on each other”

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Hair and Makeup by our resident Glam Goddess Erin Marie Artistry