
Badass Boudoir

I met Erica through my brilliantly talented friend Agnes, of YBC. We have been together on many collaborative projects, but never had the chance to shoot together until these past NYC dates.  To say that this strong, badass, sexy female is inspiring is a bit of an...

Fine Art Boudoir – The Queen

“For most of my life I have been adored by fools and hated by people of good sense, and they all make up stories about me in which I am either a saint or a whore. But I am above these judgments, I am a Queen.” ~ Philippa Gregory, The Other Queen But I am above these...

Fitness Boudoir

I hate calling this a trend, but I am loving the new “trend” in women owning not only their mental strength but their physical strength as well.  There has been such a surge of beauties requesting more fitness inspired boudoir sessions. It is so true when...

Mixing Fine Art with Boudoir

I have been really loving bringing a more Fine Art feel to our Boudoir sessions! It has been especially awesome because it gives our babes a reason to come back for more! Going from super sexy studio sessions, to still sexy but more a more refined aesthetic conceptual...

1 in 4: Overcoming the Statistic

“Me: ok, so I am doing another blog that is very deep. It is about rape and sexual assault Do you think I should share about my own experiences? Or maybe keep my personal life out if it? Liz: That’s a tough one…maybe allude to your understanding but...