
I Found My Light

by | May 25, 2017 | Uncategorized

This woman has no idea just how deeply she “gets” me.  From the amazeballs thank you gift she brought to her reveal (ummm hello gorgeous sound waves image of my fave song of my fave musical ever (pic on bottom) Seasons of Love) to the way she could understand the passion I have for light…both in a physical and dare I say spiritual way. she got me.

And I think she got Erin too…I don’t think we have ever laughed that hard or made that many inappropriate jokes with someone during hair and makeup before. #Iloveagooddirtyjoke

Sometimes you only need to meet someone for one minute to completely click with them.  She hadn’t even put her bags down after walking into The Loft  before I told this #LRPBoudieBeauty she was going to be a muse of mine and that I needed to photograph her beyond her Self Love Experience Session.  It isn’t just because she is absolutely, breathtakingly gorgeous, it is because there is a light that emanates from her, a peace that radiates from her as soon as she enters the room.  She inspires me.  She ignites the artistic side of my brain with ideas of art and creation.  I did ask her to come back after this session! I had a small time art magazine reach out to me and ask me to photograph an exclusive project for them and I didn’t even blink before reaching out to this babe to fulfill the spot in that project as my muse.  You will definitely be seeing more from our 2nd shoot together in a few months when the  edition of the magazine featuring our work is released.

In the meantime, let her inspire you, the way she has so deeply inspired me.


“I decided 27 would be the year I would devote to finding my true self.  When I looked around, I saw that my life appeared so full and yet I still felt a void deep within me screaming to be filled. I began journaling about all aspects of my life and almost out of pure happenstance; I came across Lindsay’s page.  I spent nearly an hour flipping through photos, blogs and comments noticing a familiar theme. These were powerfully fierce women who also were trying to find themselves.

I walked into The Loft sheltering my braless chest with a bag filled to the brim with outfit choices for the shoot. Insecurities whirled through my head as I counted each step on the way up. What did I get myself into? The door swung open and this refreshingly upbeat yet down to Earth woman appeared and my mind was soon consumed with trust.

Being in front of Lindsay’s lens is a liberating experience.  She truly finds beauty in every moment.  You could be moving into the next pose and she’ll say “wait! Hold it right there!” and the next thing you hear is the click of the camera. She is always on. I couldn’t help but think how amazing it would be to see the world the way Lindsay does and added that as a mantra to log later.

Lindsay and Erin have this way of making you find your light; both literally and figuratively.  With each passing brush stroke, Erin makes you feel luxurious while Lindsay directs you in a stunning way. Throughout the entire shoot I realized this was what life was supposed to be like – what my screaming void needed.  What if most moments made me feel like this and what was holding me back from that? I felt sexy, confident and downright badass.

It was decided – once I left there I would be saying goodbye to my old self. I wouldn’t let negative thoughts consume me and I was going to help other women do the same. WE, as women, tend to rip ourselves and each other apart and life is way too short not to have every other woman’s back.

Walking out of The Loft was the most empowering moment I’ve ever experienced. Opting to stay braless, I celebrated at a favorite Saratoga bar with a bellini in hand. I owned that shit. I found my light.”


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Hair and Makeup by our resident Glam Goddess Erin Marie Aristry

…..and my amazeballs soundwave gift she gave me that now is hanging in my office! (#4AJ)
