
Leah B’s Retro Glam Boudoir at Takk House

by | Oct 15, 2014 | Uncategorized

So I had been quietly following the development of Takk House for some time, as it is only a half a block away from me, and pretty much perfect for some of the boudoir work that I do.  I was stokked when I finally got to visit and made plans right away to shoot there.

When Erin Marzilli of EMARZMAKEUP and I started to put our heads together for the perfect client for our first shoot at Takk, Erin knew without a doubt that her beautiful friend Leah B.,  who we had already been talking to about a boudoir shoot, was the perfect fit for our first round of pictures at Takk.

I am a huge fan of late 50’s early 60’s fashion (ala MADMEN) so there was no doubt in my mind that this would be the perfect time to bring some retro / vintage glam to life.  I sent Erin a few inspiration pictures, and as usual she took my inspiration and vision and brought it to life.

So without making you wait any longer…The beautiful Leah B.

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and a few glamour shots!  Reason #34134 I love working with EMARZMAKEUP

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Poor Frank at Takk House, The second I saw that yellow chair I knew I needed it and needed it stat…he carried that heavy thing all the way upstairs for us.

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And as always, some behind the scenes love! #touchuptime

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In case you were wondering, Takk House will be our hot spot for the winter season, so let’s plan your sexy-glam shoot at this fabulous location next!