
Never Thought She Could Be Sexy | Troy | Saratoga Springs | Albany | New York – Boudoir

by | Sep 23, 2021 | Uncategorized

The technology and entertainment industry has led us to be insecure in what reality looks like and what our bodies look like.

I’ve never had a size-two client come in and just be happy with herself. No, she wishes she had curves like me and I wish I was skinny like her because we’ve been forced to believe that the only way that we’re good enough is if we can look like these images in the magazines and if we can look like these pictures and these people that we see in the movies.

Even Miss B wasn’t sure that a shoot would make sense for her, but she killed it. Take a look and read what Miss B has to say about her Self Love Experience:

“I have always struggled a bit with feeling confident and feminine. My sister did a photo shoot and knowing what I was going through at the time suggested that I do it as well. She said it felt amazing and was a confidence boost like no other. I reluctantly booked a shoot on a very spontaneous whim. I felt pretty good about it but then the morning of the shoot finally came a year later and I was terrified. I never thought that I could be sexy or pull something like this off. When I got there I was nervous but Lindsay and Natalie made me feel so comfortable. When the shoot started I was able to loosen up and ended up having such a good time! I felt amazing and confident and strong. I left feeling like a different person. When I went in to review my photos with Lindsay I was again very nervous. I was floored by how they came out. It was then that I realized I may have my ups and downs but when I’m happy, confident and having fun I can be and am sexy and feminine and I am the only person in control of that.