
Perfection in the Imperfections

by | Jun 1, 2016 | Uncategorized

Another gorgeous #LRPBoudieBeauty has taken the time to share her journey with you.  As some of you may know, my childhood dream was to be an actor…I was the total drama nerd and was proud of it. I even went to school for acting on film!  Through my theatre journeys I made many friends and really got an inside look into one of the hardest industries out there.  Miss A has given us an insiders look into the struggles that many actors go through in the face of the entertainment world. We so appreciate her  heartfelt words about her journey to accepting her beauty and finding peace within herself.

Miss A.:

“I work in a field where unfortunately everyone has an opinion about your looks and body. There is so much judgement and pressure to be the epitome of perfection in the Film/TV industry that at times it feels intangible and impossible. You can always be thinner, try this new diet, inject this, contour that, Photoshop, and put extensions on everything. Sometimes even the most beautiful and stick-thin girls are made to feel gigantic and not good enough.

In a world so focused on imperfections, it’s hard to learn to love your body, be healthy, and also to be thankful for the many blessings you have. I’ve been on a journey of improving my body image, self-love and acceptance for as long as I can remember and it’s only as I get older that I’m starting to realize what I think is beautiful, and what I feel is healthy for myself. I’ve always thought I had a pretty face, but have been trying to “lose 15lbs” since I was 12, and I’ve certainly never thought of my body as perfect or sexy, but now I’m beginning to see the perfections in the imperfections, and loving myself for what I am instead of shaming myself for what I’m not.

but now I’m beginning to see the perfections in the imperfections, and loving myself for what I am instead of shaming myself for what I’m not.

I’ll never be a size 0, and that’s ok. I’ve even started wearing less make-up on the daily (something I never thought I’d be comfortable with). It’s easy to look in the mirror and see what you’d like to change- a nip here, tuck there, a little bit of Botox et c, but here I am at 28 years old, 100% natural and loving it more and more every day.”

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