
Plus and Proud

by | Oct 12, 2017 | Uncategorized

So, I apparently am really really bad at taking vacations.  I am supposed to not do any work for 9 days, but how could I not sit down to work knowing I had this epic blog just waiting to be shared?  I think my husband will forgive me 😉

As a plus size woman myself, this blog really struck me on both a personal and professional level.  It is for the reasons of struggling so much to find lingerie that fit myself, that Randi, of Styled by Randi, and I, started The Shops at The Loft!

This was the first #LRPBoudieBeauty to be styled from head to toe in wardrobe from our shop and she slayyyyyyyeeedddddddd her looks!

I could go on and on and on about the topic, but again, our babe perfectly stated it, so read below about her experience being a (gorgeous) plus size woman and how she learned to fall in love with every part of herself!


“Like any woman, I’ve always struggled with accepting who I am and how I look. When you grow up as a plus size girl, you learn how to dress yourself to hide your rolls or slim your thighs; I’ve spent a lot of my life trying to make myself smaller. It took me until I was in college to learn to accept my appearance, but I still struggled with my worth. I dated guys who weren’t worth my time, I downplayed myself in interviews or in friendships, and I floundered trying to navigate the transition into adulthood. Even when I found the dream guy who asked me to marry him, I still was convinced I didn’t deserve it.

Someone near and dear to me once said that when life throws you a curve ball, you have one of three options: run away from it, let it smack you in the face, or knock it out of the park. In the last two years, I’ve been thrown a slew of curveballs and according to my friends and family, I’ve apparently knocked them out of the park with poise and grace. But… what happens when you don’t feel like you live up to that image? What do you do when you feel like you’re not worth what everyone else thinks you are?

I found Lindsay and her work in the middle of all of that, and her idea of self-love hit home for me. I had learned how to love my physical self, but I knew what I was struggling with was learning how to love all parts of myself. In reading the stories of the incredible women she’s worked with, I started to see parts of myself in them all. I bit the bullet and booked a session, and I’m convinced the deposit is what kept me from chickening out! My day being pampered by Lindsay and Erin and the images from the shoot showed me what everyone else sees in me; I am strong, I am fearless, I am worth something.

Self-love is a journey that you can’t put a timeframe on, and putting pressure on yourself to lose the weight and then you’ll be happy, or change this and then you’ll be happy will make it harder to reach that point. I’m forever thankful for Lindsay and the incredible community she’s created.” ~ H.


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To shop these looks please visit shop.boudoirnewyork.com!

Hair and Makeup by Erin Marie Artistry