
Shana’s Family & Engagement Session

by | Dec 11, 2014 | Uncategorized

This family is so beautiful. Have you ever met those people that make you almost envious because they seem thaaaat genuinely happy?  Well if you have met Shana’s family then you know the type of people I am talking about.  This is a blended family like none other I have ever met.  Coming from a blended family myself, I never imagined I would ever see a family come together the way that this one seems to have. So much love from everyone and for everyone in this family. I took a real life lesson about acceptance and love home with me from this session.

Sometimes you just meet those clients that you know you want to remain friends with, this couple falls right into that category!  I cannot wait for your wedding in 2015!

Let’s start with some sibling pictures, shall we?

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This is one of my favorite shots from the session, a candid of the siblings as soon as I told them they could go get warmed up in the car <3

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….and now for some romance…

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