
Welcome Baby Nolan!

by | Dec 5, 2014 | Uncategorized

Jessica contacted me while she was still pregnant…. We discussed a lot about what she was looking for from her shoot, and one thing she made clear was that she appreciated a more photo-journalistic approach to her session (which I LOVE!)

When I arrived at the house it was a perfect snowy and overcast day…the low light really lent itself to the cozy and intimate feel of this shoot.

In my opinion, this is what  unconditional love looks like… but I think I will let the pictures speak for themselves…


sometimes I have a hard time deciding between keeping a picture color or converting it to black and white…this shot was one of those times…

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baby details <3

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This snuggle session just melted by heart <3

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These moments, these are the moments we remember for ever as mothers, the feeling of nourishing our child, be it from breast or bottle…these are the moments… having them look right up into our eyes, or even moreso, into our souls.  These are the moments that define us.


If there is one thing I can say about this little guys future, it is that this little boy will never ever question how much he is loved.

Welcome to the world baby Nolan.