
Don’t Assume

You guys might recognize this incredibly gorgeous woman, she is a forever muse of mine and I love her so much that I have our art together hung in my office and home… You never really know the battle that someone is fighting, or better yet overcoming, at first...


It is a 2 blog week ya’ll! I simply couldn’t wait to share these once this gorgeous woman sent me what she wanted to share with everyone.   Listen, take notes, and BE KIND! —- Choices.  I thought for only about 2 minutes on what I would write when...

The Decision to Skip Photoshop

Now we all know that I have no shame in my photoshop game. I know that the same pimple I have on my chin on Tuesday likely won’t be there on Saturday. I also know that certain times of the month I am FAR more bloated than the rest of the month…so I have...

What Serves You – An Erin Take Over

She is back and taking over!  Check out what our partner in crime, Erin Goyer Bink of Erin Marie Artistry has to say below!!   #proudmomentsallaround —- When I talk about my experience in front of Lindsay’s camera I typically talk about my struggles to...

Act Like a Lady

:::Disclaimer::: You may see the word “fuck” in this post 10x more than usual because I had quite the “mom moment” on Friday that demanded this project of me. Let’s begin. ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ I needed to take some time the other day to poll my...